Meet the Woman on a Mission to Set 10 MILLION HEARTS FREE

Review of Maz Schirmer



Maz was invited by a movie director and film crew to feature Creatrix® in a full cinematic documentary-drama movie titled ‘Impact’, launching in cinemas at the end of 2019. Out now!
The movie follows 3 people selected, including one woman who is couch-surfing, one mother of 4 small kids who dreams of being a global speaker and a man who’s run a large company at a consistent loss, to receive different coaching methods to assist them in achieving success in achieving their life goals. 

Maz is a multiple best-selling author, won international innovation and leadership awards. Maz is the inventor of the ‘womens’ methodology Creatrix® Transformology® which she and her Creatrix Transformologists have put thousands of women through with only 5 star reviews given and who even years later, are still reporting their change has sustained.

Maz’s Creatrix Transformology is being hailed as the biggest break through within psychology & personal development for women in the way of achieving FAST, PAINLESS, SAFE, DEEP, LASTING transformation, previously unseen in women.

Transformology® is the study of the rewiring process that actually occurs in the brain triggered within the eye of what is often referred to as a ‘wake up call’ or ‘life awakening’ moment. This natural phenomena of ‘coming into awareness, decision making or realisation of the gravity of the fragility of mortality’, is usually triggered by some shocking news or near tragic event.

What occurs that causes the sudden onset of an entire life perspective change, is constantly reported by victims as experiencing a ‘bleep’ moment in time where time stands still, the world goes silent to them (even if people are talking to them) and their faculties haven’t returned into the person’s psyche. To the victim it feels like time may have been extended while they saw the reality of their life choices reflected, and in that ‘moment’, regardless of even if it’s a split second, they report they can’t ever go back to old ways. The motivation that eluded them all them life, is now strong enough to fuel new decisions. The simulation of this wake-up call causes lives to change forever WITHOUT needing to experience the trauma that occurs with a real life wake-up call.

Maz herself experienced one of these ‘bleep moments’ before she herself turned her life around on a dime, from poverty, destitution and terrible patterns that led to her suffering, living in hiding and in terror as a single. mother with 4 small kids in tow, to the dizziest of heights of success, most rare for someone so riddled with trauma, fears and insecurites.

Fast forward to now, Maz has created several million dollar businesses and the UN-Institute of Women as she calls it, to inspire, train and empower business women ‘change makers’ globally with real tools for success and change.

If asked how she was able to create such an aMAZing modality for women, she will say it takes one to know one. She doesn’t just mean being a female, although she says most of her life suffering, if born a male would not have happened, she means having been on both sides of life, travelling the large divide, allowing her to experience the realities of suffering from a 32year ingrained cycle, to raising her own self esteem and confidence as needed to achieve the levels of success she has. This allowed her to unpack the pivotal moments, to observe, study, research, question and go underground to solve the very real problem she became aware of, that women themselves hadn’t noticed.

She was supposedly doing everything wrong, yet was winning anyway. Turns out, she calls it the female success formula, being a ‘female’ means doing things differently in almost all that we’re taught she says. Maz will say having had her wake up call gave her evidence that sudden change is possible, which everyone told her was impossible, and she knew was the industry limiting belief in their way of ever being able to create something they couldn’t even fathom was possible.

Maz acknowledges her lack of formal education which she calls ‘un-indocrination’, allowed her to see more openly than ‘experts’ could, almost belieflessly, using her ‘dog with a bone, ‘survival’ brain to seek patterns, join dots and solve problems simply to what was otherwise would be considered as complex. Certainly too complex a problem for a ‘simple’ girl next door to solve. Combined with her strong desire to help break generational patterns and heal the historic damage to self esteem within girls and women, led to the perfect beautiful storm that caused the birth of Creatrix Transformology, with the ripple effect spreading like a rainbow after effect.

Already, Maz has accredited hundreds of Transformologists in 24 countries who together have adopted Maz’s vision of setting 10 million hearts and minds free and with 2023 being her 10th year of flying under the radar to gather the evidence required in very real women, she’s now setting her UN-Institute of Women™ the goal of reaching 1000 licensed Transformologists to celebrate the decade anniversary, those of whom will go down in history as the FIRST MAVERICKS, part of the pioneering of what is to become the ‘new way’ for women needing healing and contentment. These will likely be Women’s Life and Success Coaches and Leaders of Women who want to plug Creatrix in and set out empowering themselves as the TransformHERS™ of the future.


20 years in the industry, countless qualifications - psychotherapy, counselling, NLP, EFT and hypnotherapy - and STILL Meegan wasn't free of the limits that held her back. Creatrix® offered Meegan the freedom from those limits, to instead say 'YES' to opportunities.

Live Creatrix® reviews from Therapists & Personal Development expertsLive evidence of suppression in 100% of women being at the ROOT CAUSE of most of womens insecurities. Ever wondered why endocrinology (hormone specialty) doesn't talk to psychology who both don’t talk to Epigenetics?

NLP Practitioner and Counsellor 6 Weeks After Creatrix® Course

Allyson was a Counsellor and NLP Practitioner with 4/10 confidence in delivering clients their desired outcomes until she discovered CREATRIX® and went out and delivered a retreat in 10/10 confidence.


“I’ve made more money in the last 12 months than I have in the last 10 years”

Bree Stedman shares her story about how Creatrix® has transformed her life and her business.

“From stay-at-home mum to $90,000 in her 1st year”

Robina was lying on the couch when her 2 young sons were asleep asking herself “How can I contribute financially?” Now – 12 months and $90k later – she has found her life purpose and is making great money living it.

“From self-doubting to a thriving business running retreats in Bali”

Even though she was qualified in numerous modalities, Ramona realised she had some deep stuff she couldn’t shift. Now her confidence and business has completely transformed and she’s running retreats in Bali!